Before Barcelona

As a rule of thumb in my life I try to keep my expectations low for something in order to be pleasantly surprised rather than utterly disappointed. However, that normality is quite hard when looking forward to my trip to Spain. It is also hard picking one thing that I am most excited about because the thought of every second of it excites me to my core. However, the thought of seeing the incredible architecture is standing out on my list, such as the Gothic Quarter, as well as experiencing the cuisine such as Formatgeria La Seu.
My research has led me to believe that I will definitely have a hard time getting in as much of Barcelona as I want so I know I need to make it a priority to budget my time well so that I can soak in as much of this incredible opportunity as I can. I am expecting to learn a lot about the differences in education between Barcelona and Kentucky and how teaching strategies vary. I know that it will definitely take some adjusting when I first arrive but I hope to really jump head first into the culture and embrace it.


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